Mosaik Solutions launches service for M2M and IoT service providers

Mosaik Solutions, a company in the telecom business intelligence and visualisation services, recently announced the launch of Network Validator, the latest in a line of global network coverage services.

Principally targeted at mobile operators, machine-to-machine companies (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) services providers, Network Validator, said the company, enabled customers to determine wireless network availability at any location in minutes.

“With the explosion of M2M/IoT solutions, new entrants into the space are demanding better network intelligence,” said Bryan Darr, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Mosaik Solutions, in a written statement. “Mosaik continues to expand its offerings to address the diverse and complex network challenges experienced by large and small companies within our dynamic industry.”

Network Validator is available as an independent, Web-based service, while its API is available as a key feature in Mosaik’s MapELEMENTS and CellMaps services. Customers can search for a single location or simply upload a file of global locations into Network Validator, where it will process each location against Mosaik’s coverage databases or client-specific coverage layers. The resulting analysis empowers each customer with real time information to respond to sales opportunities and RFPs, or leverage as a service tool for customer inquiries and technical support.

Mosaik Solutions, has for over 26 years, provided mapping, network intelligence and spatial analytics services to the telecommunications industry. It maintains the largest global database of approximately 1,800 mobile networks and it is evaluated and updated at least once per quarter.

Image Credit: Mosaik Solutions

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