ioXt Alliance certifies 34 more IoT devices and mobile apps

Newport Beach, Calif. Sept. 1, 2021: The ioXt Alliance, the global standard for IoT security, today announced that 34 new devices across Google, Motorola, Tuya, Lenovo and Distech Controls, as well as a variety of mobile applications from leading brands, have been certified through the ioXt Certification Program between July and August 2021. These new product certifications will further the global expansion of the ioXt Alliance to create a more secure IoT ecosystem.

The 34 products that are now ioXt-certified include:

With a focus on security, scalability and transparency, the ioXt Alliance certifies against eight ioXt pledge principles, which include clear guidelines for quantifying the optimal level of security needed for a specific device within a product category. Once a device meets or exceeds the requirements after testing, it receives the ioXt SmartCert label.

The ioXt Alliance was founded by leading technology and product manufacturing firms, including Google, Amazon, T-Mobile, Comcast and more.

Image credit: ioXT Alliance

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