Google ushers in the era of “deployed AI”

After years of tinkering with the technology, the Google Cloud AI (artificial intelligence) team says it’s now ushering in an era of “Deployed AI” for businesses.

“AI tech”, said Andrew Moore, Head of Google Cloud AI in a blog post, “after years of breakthroughs, AI had stabilised with the emergence of sophisticated tools, best practices, and a rapidly growing community of builders. The question – what exactly is AI – had been successfully addressed, said Andrew, and the time now was to ask what it could do for your business.”

Andrew further writes that at the heart of Google Deployed AI was a vision for “transforming your business”. It’s a clear objective that can bring an entire organisation together, aligning teams and engaging stakeholders.

This diverse range of perspectives means a deeper understanding of risks and benefits, as well as the cost of change—both practical and emotional. Once deployed, success should be measurable with clear, objective metrics. This encourages an ongoing cycle of refinement, allowing you to continually optimize results while reinforcing trust with your users.

Andrew More, Head, Google Cloud AI

Andrew goes on to describe “Deployed AI” as “putting the power to transform your business within reach.” It’s about identifying business problems that defy traditional solutions, crafting specialised AIs from Cloud AI components to solve them in ways never before possible, and establishing the results as a new standard across the Enterprise.

Also, its focus on real-world metrics means success can be continually measured and optimised in an ongoing cycle of improvement. Over time, this means an ever-growing value, user trust and business impact.

Deployed AI is what’s possible when technologies like machine learning mature, and it’s why we believe the shift from the breakthroughs of AI to the applications of AI will be the most exciting chapter in its history. At Google Cloud, we’re creating a foundation that everyone can build on, regardless of industry or expertise.


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