WISeKey announces secure supply chain management product integrating IoT devices, satellite technology, and blockchain

Geneva, Switzerland, June 10, 2022: WISeKey International Holding has announced a product for securing supply chain management of critical goods by integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) devices communicating with picosatellites launched by WISeSat and FOSSA with Casper blockchain.

WISeKey security chips are being used to protect different types of IoT devices such as satellites and their captured images and communications from agriculture and logistics sensors. This product leverages the extensive reach of the picosatellites and their ability to connect to low energy IoT devices and combines it with the immutability of data and smart contracting feature of Casper blockchain to offer unique benefits to the supply chain management industry. Users can now track the data of their goods in transit like environmental conditions, geo-location, etc. in a reliable manner and also make logistic processes more efficient using the smart contracting feature offered by Casper blockchain.

WiseKey semiconductors, when placed on any object, securely issue NFTs to authenticate and track the object much like an embedded ePassport and confirm the identity of the object on the Blockchain ledger. This digital identity, used throughout the object’s lifetime, allows them to become a “Trusted Object” of the Internet, prove their identity and provide verifiable data. WISeKey IoT and data analytics help supply chain managers make decisions on their objects and prevent possible accidents or other delay-inducing occurrences that happen on the way.

The supply chain is already benefiting from the billions of WISeKey’s secure chips that are already embedded in high-tech products and goods to protect data, communication, and firmware against cyberattacks. This includes routers, modems, energy-smart meters, drones, and medical devices, to mention a few. By combining the secured IoT devices with the immutability and smart contracting features offered by Casper blockchain, the logistic processes can be greatly improved and automated as the data on-chain can now be trusted for further processing without third-party intervention.

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