Voice recognition developing platform for IoT devices wit.ai acquired by Facebook

Palo Alto, US, Jan. 6, 2015: Social network Facebook at least seems to be working faster than Google in the emerging field of the Internet of Things (IoT). Faceboo has gone and acquired wit.ai, a speech recognition startup for IoT apps and devices. The terms of the acquisition were not spelled out.

witaipagewit.ai makes it easy for hardware makers and software developers to add custom voice controls to all IoT and M2M related devices – from smartphones and smart watches to Internet-connected thermostats and drones. It provides an API for building voice-activated interfaces, and developers can build in the voice capability into their products by adding a few lines of code.

Announcing the acquisition on its blog, the Palo Alto, US-based company wrote:

18 months ago, we started Wit.ai with the vision that no solution is to be found in a closed, centralized, managed approach. We’ve been building an open, distributed, community-based platform that makes it easy for developers to build apps that users can talk to.

A great community of 6000+ developers joined forces on the platform, and Wit.ai is already powering hundreds of apps and devices. We gathered an incredible group at our LISTEN conference in November. But we are just scratching the surface of the problem.

The platform will remain open and become entirely free for everyone. Developers are the life of our project and the energy, enthusiasm and passion of the community has helped turn what was once just a lofty dream, into a reality. We want to continue to build with you.

Image Credit: wit.ai

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