US based wearable IoT developer Sensoria raises Series A investment

Los Angeles, July 17, 2014: The Redmont, Washington, USA-based wearable tech and Internet of Things (IoT) developer Sensoria, Inc., announced today at the ‘Wearable Tech LA’ event that it had signed a term sheet with Reply SpA for a ‘Series A’ investment round.

The latter will acquire 20 percent interest in Sensoria, and will also work closely with its customers and industry partners to build ‘Internet of Everyone’ products, by maximising the Sensoria SDK, the first open development platform based on both traditional and bio-sensing fabric sensors, Sensoria said in a press release. The exact amount raised, though, was not revealed.

“The Internet of Things is fueling the next wave of technology innovation,” said Reply SpA Chairman Mario Rizzante. “We see tremendous potential synergies between their team and our system integration groups in Europe and in the United States. Together, we can leverage the power of the Sensoria Developer Kit to reach out to business and technology leaders and deliver unique, meaningful and quantified experiences for our enterprise customers in an increasingly broader range of industries.”

The first collection of Sensoria wearable technologies includes a sports bra, t-shirt and socks that track your biometric data via textile sensors embedded into the fabric. These sensors are connected to on board electronics designed for each garment to relay heart rate, activity, running form, wellness and fitness levels to the Sensoria mobile app in real-time, giving the wearer and his trusted medical or training advisor actionable information.

SensoriafundingDavide Vigano, co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sensoria Inc., said, “Sensoria is becoming the ‘Internet of Everyone’ wearable platform provider. Thanks to our technology, comprised of textile and traditional sensors, electronics, cloud and mobile software, each garment becomes a biometric data-gathering device.

“This round of financing, coupled with Reply’s system integration capabilities and business reach will help us to accelerate the pace of innovation, convert data into wisdom and make vision become reality for our customers and partners.”

As part of the transaction, Heapsylon, a Nevada limited liability company, has grown into Sensoria Inc., a Delaware corporation. The company was founded based on the vision that clothing would become the fulcrum between the Internet of Things and People (IoT and IoP) as a seamless, naturally wearable body-sensing computer. Sensoria will use the funding to drive engineering, sales and marketing efforts.


Image Credit: Sensoria


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