Tech veterans launch IoT company K4Connect

k4hpageNorth Carolina, Nov. 21, 2014:Two veteran technology experts who joined hands a few months ago to focus on making peoples’ lives better by seamlessly connecting the rapidly expanding number of electronic devices and services that make up the Internet of Things (IoT), have launched a software development company called K4Connect.

Started with the help of other technology and design experts, K4Connect is co-founded by Chief Executive Office (CEO) F. Scott Moody, the former co-founder and CEO of AuthenTec and Chief Technology Officer Jonathan Gould, a home automation visionary and entrepreneur.

As CEO of AuthenTec, Moody claims to be instrumental in raising over US $70M in venture capital prior to taking the company public. Acquired by Apple, Inc. in 2012, the AuthenTec technology is now the Touch ID on the newest iPhones and iPad. Gould has extensive security, home and enterprise automation expertise, having founded and successfully sold his own A/V and home automation company, later founding and serving as the CTO of an automation company that developed software for some of the largest resort complexes in the country.

The team joined forces in late 2013 and concentrated on developing an open and adaptive software suite that can seamlessly connect virtually any number of third-party devices and services into a single integrated system — all managed by a universally designed application. The result: a patent-pending, flexible solution that can be used across multiple markets to create truly responsive environments, whether at home, at work or anywhere in-between.

Unlike proprietary solutions, K4Connect’s open approach enables users to seamlessly combine a broad range of devices from virtually any provider. Moreover, K4Connect does not build the various connected devices themselves – working instead with numerous manufacturers – making it one of the few companies in the market that does not compete with its partners and independent developers.

This allows customers to choose the best connected products on the market — based on functionality, price or even aesthetics — to create environments in the home or office that are truly responsive to their needs, something not possible with a single-vendor approach. K4Connect’s open architecture also is a boon for service and device developers — making it easier for them to create and bring new applications to market faster and reach a wider base of potential users.

According to Moody, the tremendous potential of the IoT was often handcuffed by proprietary systems that force customers adopt only one approach. K4Connect’s mission, he said in a written release, was to make people’s lives better, so it was important to provide an open platform that enabled everyone to work together to come up with the best solutions.

Inspired by the significant potential benefits for the disabled and aging communities, the company announced K4Life – a home, wellness and life management system planned for introduction in 2015. The system, currently in beta test, has been specifically designed to meet the needs of individuals, as well as their families and professional caregivers, who may struggle to maintain their independence and quality of life.

K4Life features a wireless control box that automatically connects and manages an unlimited number and combination of devices, including thermostats, locks, lights, security systems, blood pressure monitors, smoke alarms, pet feeders, TVs/stereos, activity trackers (wearables), scales, sensors, coffee makers and medicine dispensers — just to name a few. K4Life clients can also give their families and professional caregivers permission to remotely access and control these same devices, providing an added layer of care and peace of mind for everyone involved.

When introduced, K4Life will be sold directly, through device partners and a variety of organisations already serving the disabled and aging communities. In addition, K4Connect plans to soon launch a developer network to enable programmers and device makers to create new applications and services specifically tailored toward the K4Life client communities.

Image Credit: K4Connect

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