Iveda announces $1.5 mln ‘Utilus Smart Pole’ deployment in Taiwan

Mesa, Arizona, Jan. 13, 2023: Global solution for Cloud-based AI video and sensor technologies, Iveda has announced the launch of a US $1.5 million project for Utilus Smart Pole technology in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The company said it would be equipping Taiwan’s largest harbor city with critical IoT infrastructure for smart city deployments. Utilus brings Iveda technology –– including video surveillance, AI-based video analytics, IvedaSPS (smart power system), and IvedaPinpoint (location-based trackers and smart sensors) –– together in a centralized platform, which is integrated into existing infrastructure for true smart city implementations.

Utilus’ smart, multi-purpose poles, claimed Iveda, will help Kaohsiung solve a myriad of urban challenges, from improving parking and traffic management and charging electric vehicles, to detecting and notifying officials about street flooding, all through real-time data and alerts.

Image credit: Iveda

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