IoT part of trends that will drive more intelligent, connected experiences in 2018



Austin, Texas, March 6, 2018:  Increased Cloud and mobile access adoption, more focus on securing the Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics are some of the top trends that will take center stage in developing more intelligent, connected experiences this year, according to HID Global, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions.

“Trusted identities will emerge this year as the fundamental building blocks for organisations to create environments that connect people, places and things,” said Samuel Asarnoj, Senior Vice President Corporate Strategy & Business Development with HID Global. “The user experience will be redefined by mobile, IoT and Cloud technologies and deliver new capabilities for the future.”

HID Global said it predicted five significant trends in 2018 that will influence how organisations leverage the power of trusted identities.

Increased awareness of the Cloud’s ease of deployment, flexibility, connectivity options and productivity benefits will escalate adoption, said the company. Access control Cloud platforms with APIs and SDKs will fuel new software solutions that expand choices for organisations to get the most out of their investments.

Digital certificates will become a core component for adding trust in the IoT by issuing unique digital IDs to printers and encoders, mobile phones, Tablets, video cameras and building automation systems, plus a broader range of things like connected cars and medical devices.

The company said 2017 was the year mobile access went mainstream and adoption will accelerate even further in 2018. Maturity in mobile solutions and integration into other systems, coupled with mobile’s ability to enhance user convenience, improve operational efficiency and provide higher security will drive accelerated growth for mobile access and mainstream adoption.

Devices, access control systems, IoT applications and other solutions connected to the Cloud will provide robust data for advanced analytics. Insights from these analytics can be used to optimise workflow solutions and provide more seamless access for end users. Predictive analytics and biometrics will play a crucial role in people-centric security and address employee demands for workplaces to deliver premium, more individualised services. Analytics will also help reduce downtime in the enterprise, spur factory automation and improve compliance via condition monitoring that is based on real time location and sensing solutions.

Image Credit: HID

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