Internet of Things most over-hyped tech today: Gartner

Research firm Gartner has said the Internet of Things (IoT) is the most over-hyped technology in development today.

The Gartner report has highlighted a lack of standardisation in the area, as well as the changing nature of the technology itself, as part of the reason why widespread adoption is further than those promoting it think.

Every year, Gartner releases the “hype cycle”, which classifies emergent technologies in one of five categories based on how high expectations for them are.

Initially, according to Gartner, when a new technology enters the public’s awareness with low expectations, which slowly rise as the potential becomes clear. Ultimately, expectations hit a peak, where the technology is predicted to solve almost every problem known to humanity. In addition to the IoT, Gartner feels consumer 3D printing and wearable computing are all innovations that Gartner thinks are over-hyped at the moment.

 Image Credit: Twitter/Gartner


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