Google’s Nest Labs takes the next step in the IoT race, wants to be smart home hub

Palo Alto, June 25, 2014: Google’s Nest Labs has decided to project itself as a hub for the smart home. It has launched a developer program wherein other apps and devices will be able to access what Nest detects through its sensors, including readings on temperature and settings that show if a person is away from their home for long periods. These services will even be able to talk to one another via Nest as the hub.

nestgraphicWriting on the official blog, Nest’s Founder and Head of Engineering Matt Rogers said with the Nest Developer Program, they were working with developers all over the world to do what no one else has been able to do – create a more conscious and thoughtful home.

“Other companies make digital control panels and apps that let you turn things on and off around the house. But we want to go beyond simply linking and remote controlling the devices in your home,” wrote Matt.

“What we’re doing is making it possible for your Nest devices to securely interact with the things you already use every day. Things like lights, appliances, fitness bands and even cars. Because when we make connections between these different parts of your life, we can create personalized experiences that do even more to keep you comfortable and safe. And help you save energy around the house. Automatically.”

Along with the developer’s program, a number of ‘Works with Nest’ integrations were also up and running.

Google has acquired Nest for a whopping US $3.2 billion some months ago.

Here are a few of the ways the products you own can interact with Nest.

Mercedes-Benz: As you drive home, your car can let Nest know what time you’ll arrive. That way your thermostat can start heating or cooling at exactly the right moment, and your home is the perfect temperature as soon as you walk in the door.

Whirlpool: If you’re signed up for Rush Hour Rewards with a participating energy provider, Nest can let Whirlpool know when an energy rush hour is about to happen, and your washer or dryer will delay the start of the cycle until the rush hour is over. You end up earning extra rush hour rewards and using less energy when electricity is in high demand.

Jawbone: Your Nest Learning Thermostat knows what temperature you like your home to be in the morning and your UP24 band can tell when you wake up. Together, they can make sure your thermostat starts heating or cooling before you even get out of bed.

Image Credit: Nest Labs Blog

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