German Company Konux to Combine AI and IoT in SaaS business

A Munich-based scale-up called Konux is revolutionizing railway infrastructure by leveraging advanced AI technology and their unique sensing hardware.

By combining AI and IoT in their software-as-a-service (SaaS) business, Konux captures real-time data and enables predictive maintenance. Unlike many other AI companies, Konux focuses on addressing the challenges of enhancing fixed rail systems, which are often considered complex and difficult. Their AI-powered predictions have achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 90 per cent.

Konux’s ultimate objective is to leverage the power of AI and IoT to drive data-informed decision-making and optimize rail operations. Initially, they are concentrating on monitoring infrastructure stress at critical points along the network. As Konux gains deeper insights into the conditions and requirements of the rail lines, they plan to develop additional products to further enhance rail operations.

Image credit: Konux

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