First 5G trials in UK factories start

PrographerMan / Pixabay

Worcestershire, Feb. 13, 2019: The first 5G ‘live’ factory trials in the United Kingdom (UK) have begun at the Worcestershire 5G Testbed from Wednesday.

According to UK5G Innovation Network, this was a “landmark step” towards the creation of “smart” factories in Britain. The process will allow manufacturers to test the potential of 5G investments – from factory floor production, reconfiguration and real-time analysis, to steering a machine’s movements from a remote location.

World-leading engineering company Worcester Bosch is testing 5G for improved factory output, exploring preventative maintenance utilising IoT sensors and data analytics to predict failure. Meanwhile multinational defence company QinetiQ has been designing security into the network and applications known as “security by design”.

Leading global manufacturer Yamazaki Mazak is also using 5G to conduct trials that will demonstrate how 5G can be used to enhance factory productivity. The technology will be used for two troubleshooting applications, one of which allows senior engineers to remotely guide onsite engineers through machine maintenance.

The trials will all test end-to-end application performance, taking initial measures of 5G speeds and latency.

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