Ericsson’s new paper on how to secure cellular IoT

A new paper by Ericsson has laid out recommendations for a secure Internet of Things (IoT) , including compliance of devices with industry guidelines.

The paper: Implementing Secure IoT Solutions: A systems-based approach to cybersecurity for cellular IoT, makes the following recommendations for IoT systems:

Use secure IoT devices, but do not assume trust. These devices should comply with NIST, or other national or industry guidelines, and have a recognized IoT security certification. Devices should be checked to ensure secure configuration is used in production.

Use 5G. It is designed to provide secure IoT use cases by enabling many of the security controls needed for IoT security.

Use an IoT gateway for Wi-Fi 6-capable IoT devices to access the 5G network. The gateway can provide security controls closer to the devices, but it is also an asset that must be protected.

To read up the rest, click here.

Image credit: Ericsson

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