Despite risks, majority of companies continued using IoT platforms: survey

A new report by Internet security firm Kaspersky, “With superpower comes super responsibility: Benefits and challenges of IoT in business” has said the the use of Internet of Things (IoT) business platforms was growing year-on-year in almost all industries.

The report pointed out that in 2019, 80 percent of companies in the META region had implemented IoT applications. The technology was benefitting businesses with savings, new income streams and increased production efficiency, but the fact that 51 percent of META organisations experienced cybersecurity incidents targeting connected devices also revealed the need to carefully protect IoT.

“IoT is a powerful business enabler but to reap its benefits organisations need to put in a considerable amount of effort. It demands dedicated business processes, as well as expertise, to ensure it is effectively implemented,” Grigory Sizov, Head of KasperskyOS Business Unit, Kaspersky, said in a statement.

“As the survey shows, cybersecurity is also a question that needs resolving in the IoT space – in terms of security of equipment, technical and organizational protection measures and data privacy, as well as other factors,” Sizov added.

Kaspersky’s report shows that the use of IoT platforms had increased in almost all industries globally, with the most significant growth in hospitality, healthcare and finance.

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