Cree announces SmartCast Power over Ethernet with Cisco to enable IoT

Berlin, Feb. 18, 2016: Cree, Inc. has said it had introduced SmartCast Power over Ethernet (PoE), an intuitively simple, scalable and open platform that enabled the Internet of Things (IoT) for buildings through better light.

SmartCast PoE was the first LED lighting platform that made the Cisco Digital Ceiling framework ready for mass deployment and adoption.

The solution was announced at the Cisco Live! Berlin and was part of the Cisco Digital Ceiling framework, which connected disparate systems into a single IP network to create smart, more secure, seamlessly connected building systems. Cree is part of the Digital Ceiling partner community, a network of partners working to enhance the traditional workforce through the connection of intelligent things to create new user experiences, lower total costs and enable business analytics.

smart lightingNorbert Hiller, Executive Vice President of lighting at Cree, said in a written statement, “The new connected lighting technologies we’re pioneering with Cisco leverage Cree’s SmartCast Technology and the communications power of the internet to deliver better light and up to 70 percent more savings than standard LED lighting.”

Cree applied its proven intelligent SmartCast Technology to a PoE infrastructure in order to solve the inherent commissioning complexities of deploying network-powered smart lighting within buildings. Cree’s SmartCast PoE worked out of the box, just like the original SmartCast Technology, and enabled an entire building to be commissioned at one time with a single stroke. Cree’s series of SmartCast lights, light switches and dimmers operated with Cisco’s standards-based PoE-powered network architecture. This platform provided power and networking for the lights with a standard Ethernet cable, eliminating the need for separate data and high-voltage power connections.

According to Cree, its SmartCast Technology with PoE could deliver energy savings up to 70 per cent greater than LED lighting alone, while making possible new services and experiences.

Image Credit: Cree

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