Complete self-service IoT platform ‘Luner’ launched

San Francisco, USA, July 30, 2020: Pod Group, a provider of platforms, software and connectivity services for the Internet of Things (IoT) claims to have made global connectivity even easier for IoT developers by launching its self-service connectivity platform, Luner.

It said in a press release that the new product was designed to enable developers of IoT solutions to get up and running with a global IoT connectivity solution quickly. Using a platform that enables self-onboarding and self-management of SIM cards via one intuitive interface, Luner, it claimed “makes global IoT connectivity easily accessible to anyone interested in developing connected devices.”

Luner has been designed to facilitate SIM deployment and connectivity management with an easy to use, but powerful interface and API. Customers can quickly create an account via the Luner portal giving them immediate access to a wide range of global IoT SIM cards and transparent PAYG and monthly plans.

The platform allows granular management of IoT connectivity, including control of data limits and unlimited access to data usage records. Luner goes further still by offering a full API suite, enabling users to integrate the service directly into their application layer or software. 

Sam Colley, Pod Group’s chief executive said in a written statement, “We found that for customers starting out in IoT there is often  a requirement for a simple, self-service connectivity solution which perfectly complements our existing modular platform, Pod IoT Suite, designed for larger IoT deployments. Luner allows users to quickly test and launch applications anywhere in the world. It offers a flexible approach to product creation allowing users to autonomously order sims and get connected in a few clicks without commitments, contracts, or lock in. A marketplace will soon be added to give builders faster access to the components that power their IoT applications.”

Image credit: Pod Group

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