Being “contactless and touchless” in today’s pandemic: how tech is helping

For those of you out there who are either being forced back to office or are doing so voluntarily, or for those people who have started visiting hotels, restaurants, pubs and other public places during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to take extra precautions to ensure that you do not catch the virus.

In addition to wearing face masks, you need to be careful while touching surfaces such as elevator buttons or tabletops as the virus remains on surfaces.

Recently, Compass Intelligence spoke to industry experts about existing solutions that are already available today to help mitigate risk, reduce virus exposure, limit touching, etc.

It published a short list of technologies to help support in removing risk and helping us with safe alternatives:

  • Robots/Chatbots (customer services, onboarding, set up, avoid in-store or on location services)
  • Smart Speakers and Response, Voice Automation (Info, Admittance, Entry, Opening/Closing, Q&A)
  • Natural Language Processing/Contextual Voice or Haptic Voice (Identification, Processing, Acting)
  • Digital Humans (Remove the human risk, More personal than robots, Conversational response)

As part of this exercise, one of the experts the Website spoke to was Ken Herron, the CMO at UIB. Several solutions were discussed, including how UIB was combining the use of WhatsApp (WhatsApp Business Account, WAPA), their own Unified AI platform, and chatbots or other technology to support in removing risk and supporting touchless and contactless operations.

According to Ken Herron (a writer-expert for this Website, too) UIB had created the world’s first and leading conversational AI platform with cognitive IoT capabilities — UnificationEngine. This tech helped achieve frictionless onboarding and seamless communications between humans, IT systems, and machines, such as connected appliances (smart homes), smart cities and smart factories. The power of IoT, AI, and robotics come together to enable many industries to provide safer services to customers from home or even in-person experiences.

Here’s one of the UIB videos that explains it further:


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