AT&T showcases smart products under its Innovation Showcase series

New York, May 19, 2014: On the Friday that just went by, US-based global telecommunications company AT&T showcased some of its projects that “demonstrates our vision for the network of the future,” in New York, USA. The focus was on User-Defined Network Cloud, which, in AT&T’s own words, “will be more flexible, efficient and aware of specific applications.” This commpany says it is working to drive change from dedicated single-purpose network appliances to software-based controllers – making the network faster, simpler and more scalable in the process.

The projects showcased thus showed technologies made possible with an advanced network.

On demo was AT&T’s SIM-based Security developed by Adam Lotia at the AT&T Foundry. This integrates information on a smart card into the SIM card in each user’s smartphone.  SIM-based Security’s technology helps to eliminate the need to carry both an employee ID and a phone.  A user can simply be authenticated by the phone they are already carrying.

Commercial opportunities for such SIM-based security include stronger encryption capabilities for employees and consumer data, fewer security bugs and software attacks to sensitive information, stronger employee ID methods, and easier replacement of ID badges.

The 2nd product that was put up at the exhibit was Smart Luggage. Craig Lee, Director of the AT&T M2M Foundry in Plano, TX, has led in the development of this intelligent application used to track a customer’s luggage in real time. The hardware is designed to be an addition to standard suitcases or bags, and to be compliant with all air carriers and FAA regulations.

Smart Luggage uses a tracking application to provide registration, monitoring, and the ability to control a flashing beacon LED on the luggage. AT&T says it is in the early stages of developing and testing new innovative approaches to Smart Luggage. Possibilities for further development include alerts when a bag has landed or is outside a set geo-fence, visual indicators sent from a smartphone to signal a bag to “light up,” and deeper integration with various international airline and traveler applications.

Here’s a video on this product:

For more on AT&T’s Innovative products, click here.


Image Credit: AT&T

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