Atos launches Edge to Cloud 5G and AI-enabled solution

Aris and Irving, Texas, May 9, 2022: Atos recently announced the launch of “Atos Business Outcomes-as-a-Service” (Atos BOaaS), a 5G, Edge and IoT offering developed in collaboration with Dell Technologies that brings the advantages of cloud architecture to the edge and far edge to deliver AI-based business value augmented with end-to-end automated deployment, monitoring and management.

Atos Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Atos) (PRNewsfoto/Atos)
Atos Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Atos) (PRNewsfoto/Atos)

Edge computing has added complexity to digital systems, and IoT generates significant amounts of highly valuable data that remains untapped. Combining the expertise of Atos and Dell, Atos BOaaS will enable organizations to obtain meaningful, rapid and repeatable business outcomes out of IoT data streams and analytics and manage their IoT ecosystem from a single dashboard.

Atos BOaaS brings to the market one of the most innovative AI applications at the edge, powered by Dell. Dell’s Streaming Data Platform creates reliable, fast and secure data pipelines from edge to cloud that enable analytics. Atos wraps up all the technology components with extra services into a full consumption model to enable clients to focus on the business benefits of analytics at the edge and in the cloud.

Atos BOaaS revolutionizes digital operations, virtually removing the need for on-site technology support, which decreases their overall carbon footprint. Atos BOaaS can save hundreds of tons of CO2 per year per client.

Image credit: Atos

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