Arduino and Elastic Join Forces to Enable Elasticsearch Support for IoT Boards

Arduino has collaborated with Elastic to introduce Elasticsearch support for its Internet of Things (IoT) development boards.

This joint effort has yielded a straightforward library that facilitates communication between Arduino boards and Elasticsearch servers. With just a few lines of code, users can transmit data to Elasticsearch and undertake complex tasks, such as geolocation. The library’s source code and illustrative examples can be accessed on GitHub, licensed under Apache 2.0.

Arduino’s announcement spotlights its partnership with Elastic in an R&D project centered on the Portenta H7 platform. The project’s aim was to create a C++ library compatible with Arduino modules, providing an uncomplicated Elasticsearch client. This innovation empowers Arduino boards to communicate directly with Elasticsearch servers, unlocking new horizons for IoT applications.

The Arduino-Elastic partnership has made Elasticsearch readily accessible on Arduino boards through a user-friendly library. Users can now effortlessly dispatch data to Elasticsearch and execute advanced functions, including geolocation and more. A comprehensive tutorial is accessible on the Arduino blog, offering extensive guidance on employing Elasticsearch with Arduino boards. This collaboration elevates the capabilities of Arduino’s IoT development boards and broadens their potential applications.

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