AI in connected systems: where’s it headed

 A new white paper by Ericsson has said there are five technical challenges that must be addressed in order to be able to fully capitalize on the potential of AI technologies. The technical challenges involve:

  1. systems that can make decisions autonomously
  2. distributed and decentralized intelligence
  3. trustworthy AI
  4. human-machine collaboration, and
  5. bringing games and simulations to industrial scale

The next generation of networks will be able to sense, compute, learn, reason, and act on business intent almost autonomously, and to manage the ongoing explosion of data from an ever-increasing number of connected intelligent devices. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in enabling automation, managing complexity and scalability, and leveraging on data from distributed systems in real time. The white paper reflects on the technical challenges the R&D community needs to address in order to help communications service providers (CSPs) and other industry players fully capitalize on the potential of AI.

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