A project that used AI to generate 100,000 faces

This article was first published on our sister Site, Whats New On The Net.

The way artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our lives can no longer be ignored.

One area where AI is making waves is image processing & facial recognition. There’s a startup/project now called 100,000 Faces which, hold your breath, contains only AI generated images, specifically faces. As the Site claims, “None of the faces belong to a real person”.

The creators say this:

We are building the next generation of media through the power of AI. Copyrights, distribution rights, & infringement claims will soon be things of the past.

To give you a glimpse of what we have been working on we created a free resource of 100k high-quality faces. Every image was generated by our internal AI systems as it continually improves. Use them in your presentations, projects, mock ups or wherever, for a backlink.

Needless to say, these AI based images can be used for many things like landing pages, Web pages, email flyers, marketing emails, worksheets & what may have you.

So head here for a browse, & remember where you read of this 1st.

AI Image Credit: 100,000 Faces

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